Neural Network is a computer model that mimic what brain do for processing data. Brain uses Neurons in order to process data and get a predictions. Have you ever thought about what was like when you are in childhood i bet you have asked soo many questions from your parents. That is how our brain acquire data. Our brain can process huge amount of data for the first time you hear a voice of a bird in the second time you can definitely understand who is the bird.
below video contain a sound of a bird lets consider that bird as coco
see below 2 clips and guess which bird is coco
Number 1 | Number 2 |
to computer neuron. This theory was founded by Donald Hebb and his theory was called Hebbian theory
This below equation is the fundamental equation of neurons explained by Donald Hebb
let me explain the terms
yi=output of a neuron,
wij=weight to input to output
α is learning rate
if we get a graphical representation of neural network it looks like below this is called Perceptron Diagram
Figure of neural network graphical representation |
Figure of Data classification methods linear and non-linear |
There are 3 activation functions they are,
- Sigmoid Activation
- TanH Activation
- ReLU Activation
Figure of activation functions |
Above we talked about Perceptron Diagram for a single neuron. For multiple neurons there is a model called Multi-Output Perceptron
Figure of Multi-Output Pereceptron |
using above building block we create a multi layer neural network called as deep learning.
deep learning network mean there is a input layer hidden layer and output layer,hidden layer is the difference between neural network and deep neural network is this middle layer.
Figure of Deep Neural Network |
what can be the uses of this neural networks?
- Neural networks and financial prediction
- Currency prediction
- Futures prediction
- Bond ratings
- Business failure prediction
- Debt risk assessment
- Credit approval
- Bank theft
- Bank failure
- Medicine
- Security
eg. Consider there is a trained model that can be predict the flight delay by inputting temperature and wind speed. first in the initial process we give already known data to the model and get a predicted value and compare it to actual value.
Figure of flight delay Neural network and its prediction |
There are 3 systems of loss quantifying.
- Total Loss
- Binary Cross Entropy Loss
- Mean Squared Error Loss
1.Total Loss
2.Binary Cross Entropy Loss
3.Mean Square Error Loss
Training the neural networking objective is to reduce the loss.
If we over train the neural network model this will leads to over fitting the data set.
For prevent over fitting and under fitting there are best practices those are called Regularization Techniques.
1. Dropou
If we over train the neural network model this will leads to over fitting the data set.
Figure of function fitting to dataset |
1. Dropou
- During training, randomly set some activations to 0
- Don’t give the network time to overfit
- Large weights typically mean model is overfitting
- Add the size of the weights to our loss function
- Perform well on task + keep weights small